Category: Food Waste Plastics

Did your t-shirt cost the earth?

Did you know that…… The UK sends an average of 300,000 tonnes of clothing to landfill each year. One wash load of polyester clothes can release 700,000 microplastic fibres into

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Plastic and General Waste

We need to change our habits and consume less, buying wisely. This applies across all areas of shopping from food, to clothes, to electrical appliances. ChalCAN is looking at how

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Upcycling and Repairs

Reuse, recycle, swap…and the impact of fast fashion   Buy less junk and less new ‘stuff’.  Buy things which are designed to be repairable and when you have finished with

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Do you want to learn something shocking?  Meat, egg and dairy production use up 83% of the world’s farmland, are responsible for 58% of the world’s agricultural greenhouse gas emissions,

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